Bad parenting, animal hierarchies, and excerpts from 12 Rules For Life.

When you try to communicate to a misbehaving child to stop their actions, and that doesn’t work, what do you do? Well, here’s what I did. I had an incident with a crazy bitche's wretched offspring and she wasn't too happy with how I handled the situation.

In this episode, I share that story, and my perspectives on how we handle these situations should reflect how animals do it in the wild. A bit of discipline goes a long way. Plus, I share some highlights from a chapter called, Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them, in 12 Rules for Life, by Jordan B. Peterson.

Tune in to my message on Telegram and find me elsewhere on the internet.

  • “Even dogs must be socialized if they are to become acceptable members of the pack—and children are much more complex than dogs. This means that they are much more likely to go complexly astray if they are not trained, disciplined and properly encouraged.”

  • “More often than not, modern parents are simply paralyzed by the fear that they will no longer be liked or even loved by their children if they chastise them for any reason. They want their children’s friendship above all, and are willing to sacrifice respect to get it.”

  • “Parents are the arbiters of society. They teach children how to behave so that other people will be able to interact meaningfully and productively with them. It is an act of responsibility to discipline a child. It is not anger at misbehavior. It is not revenge for a misdeed. It is instead a careful combination of mercy and long-term judgment.”

  • “Parents who refuse to adopt the responsibility for disciplining their children think they can just opt out of the conflict necessary for proper child-rearing. They avoid being the bad guy (in the short term). But they do not at all rescue or protect their children from fear and pain. Quite the contrary: the judgmental and uncaring broader social world will mete out conflict and punishment far greater than that which would have been delivered by an awake parent. You can discipline your children, or you can turn that responsibility over to the harsh, uncaring judgmental world—and the motivation for the latter decision should never be confused with love.”

  • “If their actions make you dislike them, think what an effect they will have on other people, who care much less about them than you. Those other people will punish them, severely, by omission or commission. Don’t allow that to happen. Better to let your little monsters know what is desirable and what is not, so they become sophisticated denizens of the world outside the family.”

Da Whipp

My name is David. I'm a recovered alcoholic sharing lifestyle design tips on my YouTube channel to help men start a self development practice so they can have better health and productivity in their everyday lives.

When I’m not building my own business or spending time with my family, I’m a full stack ghostwriter for self help creators on YouTube, specializing in educational email courses.

