A patriotic perspective

I will stand strong and speak free.

I meant for this episode to be 10 minutes, but I went a little over. However, in these 18 minutes, I believe I covered some deeply important topics and it will bring you some value, entertainment, or just some new things to consider.

I talk about voting rights being violated by a great replacement, which is a dirty secret the leftist loonies don't want you to know about.

I talk about the George Floyd case being rigged and how BLM compromised the integrity of that court trial.

I point out that systemic racism is a non issue in this great country.

I talk about the evil agenda of the Death Cult and how they operate to turn people into obedient sheeple.

I talk about gender dysphoria and the quack-ccine propaganda.

I talk about self governing people and what it means to be a patriot.

Tune in to my message on Telegram and find me elsewhere on the internet.

Da Whipp

My name is David. I'm a recovered alcoholic sharing lifestyle design tips on my YouTube channel to help men start a self development practice so they can have better health and productivity in their everyday lives.

When I’m not building my own business or spending time with my family, I’m a full stack ghostwriter for self help creators on YouTube, specializing in educational email courses.


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