Educational Email Courses

Why you need one.

  • Position yourself as a thought leader in your industry

  • Connect with other industry leaders and scale your digital network

  • Convert traffic to your product/service and capture more, higher-quality warm leads organically

  • Book more higher-quality sales calls for your program(s)

  • Sell more digital products

  • And a lot more…

I help you elevate your email marketing.

Overview of everything I do for you:

  • At kickoff, I’ll share with you a Project Dashboard where you can track the timeline, works-in-progress, key milestones, drafts for review, etc.

  • I will start by doing a quick audit of all your existing content to see if there are any opportunities to leverage “proven” topics, talking points, stories, insights, etc. (Or, if you have a specific idea you think would work well, happy to run with that too!)

  • I will also do some research on the “proven” topics that resonate with your target reader/subscriber—to make sure whatever Educational Email Course we create is attracting the right archetype of person.

  • Before we dig into the writing, I will share an in-depth outline of the EEC Hook, Subtitle, and Days 1 through 5 with descriptions for each—to make sure we’re aligned on the overall direction first.

  • • Day 0: A Welcome email that gets triggered as soon as a new subscriber types in their email to the opt-in form.

    • Days 1-5: 5 days of educational content, dripped out over 5 days.

    • 3-Day FOMO Sequence: And at the end of the 5-Day Educational Email Course, we can also create a 3-day “FOMO” Sequence that ascends these readers to {a product or service you’d like to educate them to buy}.

  • I will be creating a dedicated landing page for the EEC (because a dedicated landing page increases opt-in rates by 30%+). Note, we can also create an opt-in form for this EEC on your website as well if you’d like, but a stand-alone landing page is recommended.

  • • To create a high-converting landing page, I will be assembling the following:

    • Proven Hook & “Offer” (to increase opt-in rate of target audience)

    • Teaser image of “digital product” (to make the EEC feel more tangible & valuable)

    • Objection targeting (text designed to overcome any potential objections from subscribers)

    • Bio & Credibility (quick background to help readers understand where this information is coming from / why they should trust you)

    • Days 1 - 5 Preview (descriptions of each of the 5 days in the EEC so the target subscriber knows what they’re going to receive in return)

  • To capture emails and execute the automation sequence, I set up the host platform. This could be ConvertKit, Beehiv, Squarespace, etc. I then connect it to your website landing page. I’m happy to work with you and your team to see if we can leverage any existing infrastructure.

  • Once the email host has been connected to your landi,g page I will setup the automation sequence so that each “Day” of the Educational Email Course is dripped out over 5 days—giving readers time to digest the information one day at a time.

  • Once all the infrastructure has been assembled, and the EEC has been written, we will do a final review together. Note: I will only upload and “turn on” the EEC automation once all the text has been approved by you.

  • Lastly, as a little bonus, I will execute my Viral Launch Playbook with you to maximize new subscribers in the first 24 hours. This means putting together a “drop” Tweet, using an auto-DM feature via Hypefury, and incentivizing people to engage with the “drop” Tweet to unlock access to the EEC the first day it goes live—creating a mini engagement flywheel. (Note: We can also do this on LinkedIn, however no automation tools exist here so I will have to do this manually for you—which I’m happy to do!)

Project Timeline.

The timeline for this project from start to finish is approximately 4 weeks.

I should only need about an hour per week of your time in order to keep the ball moving forward. (Or, if you’re pressed for time, I can always share progress via Loom and we can work asynchronously.)

The easy choice.


I know what is required to build a successful EEC, and it involves a ton of different skill sets:

  • writing

  • formatting

  • data gathering

  • growth hacking

  • engagement


And if you were to try to do all these things yourself, it would easily consume 15+ hours of your week. And you have better things to do! (Like run your company!)


Or, you can just hire me!

I’ll take care of everything here for you. All I’ll need from you is to give me feedback on the content in the beginning to make sure we’re nailing your voice, and then once we make sure we’re aligned, I can put things on autopilot for you.

Ready to launch your educational email course?

Let’s connect and make it happen now!

Boost your brand with content that connects & converts.

  • EECs

    Educational Email Courses turn your social media followers and website visitors into email subscribers, who become your customers.

  • Newsletters

    My newsletter automation service turns your ideas into compelling content that drives engagement and conversion.

  • LinkedIn

    Discover how my ghostwriting service transforms your LinkedIn presence into a lead-generating powerhouse. 

  • Consulting

    Transform overwhelm into opportunity. I’ll help refine your content approach, streamline your efforts, and unlock growth potential.