LinkedIn Optimization

The problems you face when posting on LinkedIn

  • Struggling to present yourself effectively.

  • Lacking clarity on your specific niche and target audience.

  • Finding it hard to create a variety of targeted content.

  • Not knowing how to create engaging short and long-form content.

  • Unable to cross-post content efficiently across platforms.

  • Struggling with writing attention-grabbing content hooks and effective CTAs.

  • Not having a consistent posting schedule and struggling with managing engagement.

  • Unsure how to handle negative comments and fearing their impact.

  • Not utilizing analytics to adjust your content strategy.

  • Not having a high-performing content library for reuse.

  • Lacking an understanding of social algorithms and struggling to engage with others in your industry.

Here’s how my LinkedIn ghostwriting helps you.

  • Position yourself as a thought leader in your industry.

  • Connect with other industry leaders and scale your digital network.

  • Increase the number of investors who get exposed to your mission (increasing the likelihood of you raising your next round of funding).

  • Drive traffic to your product/service and capture more, higher-quality warm leads organically.

  • Build your email list/newsletter with relevant readers.

  • Book more, higher-quality sales calls.

  • Sell more digital products.

  • Build long-term Top-Of-Funnel trust so that more potential customers see you as an authority and are more likely to buy from you in the future.

Here’s everything you get.

  • The first thing I’ll do is do an audit of your LinkedIn presence. I’ll recommend a new profile picture & header images if needed, and I’ll rewrite your bio to attract high-quality, relevant readers to your profile.

  • I’ll do an audit of any content you’ve published in the past, and help you Name & Claim your category—and then incorporate that category into your upgraded bio. As time goes on, and as we see what content performs well, this category may shift as well—and I’ll help you continue to adjust until we have total clarity over the niche you can dominate.Item description

  • I’ll hold a 30-minute onboarding call with you, interview style, so I can get a sense of your background, expertise, and preferred topics. From there, I will identify the 3 content buckets we can and should focus on with your content. These 3 content buckets will be our North Star. To maximize Reach, Resonance, and Industry Authority, I recommend 3 specific types of content buckets:

    1. Life/Career Advice: Appeals to the widest number of people, creating a top-of-funnel flywheel.

    2. Domain-Specific Advice: A specific niche within your industry where you have the most tactical/actionable expertise, creating a highly resonant bottom-of-funnel flywheel.

    3. Industry Insights/Trends: Commentary on what’s happening at the forefront of your industry, establishing you as a thought leader.

  • I will create 9 “templates” of short-form content, 3 different variations we can use within each of the 3 overarching content buckets. These will be the containers we share your expertise within, and I will be leveraging proven templates that have generated hundreds of millions of views (Typeshare).

  • I will create 3 different “templates” of long-form content that we can use within each Content Bucket, alternating each week.

    1. Actionable: Instructional “How To” type content.

    2. Analytical: “Breakdown” content explaining how things work, backed by numbers/data.

    3. Aspirational: Inspirational content that shares stories (either your own or curated from relevant well-known industry experts)

  • Each week, I will pull from my library of proven Content Hooks to maximize our chances of writing content that resonates with as many high-quality readers as possible.

  • I will write ~3 different CTAs for your opt-ins/products/services and incorporate them into each week’s relevant content pieces, so we are creating flywheels that drive relevant readers to the right destinations on autopilot.

  • I will create a consistent publishing calendar for us to follow. My recommendation is to publish:

    8:30am (your timezone), Monday - Friday: Short-form content (to test topics & gather data).

    11am (your timezone), Tuesday & Thursday: Long-form content (doubling-down on most engaged short-form topics & building a library of high-quality Actionable, Analytical, and/or Aspirational content).

    7pm (your timezone), Monday - Friday: Short-form content (to test topics & gather data).

    Each month, this is a total of 40 short-form content pieces, and 8 long-form content pieces.

    This means that at the end of our 6-month building process, you will have a library of 240 short-form pieces and 48 long-form pieces—giving you a foundation of content that will pay you dividends in terms of organic reach, customer acquisition and network opportunities for years.

  • Each week, I will audit all the short & long-form content posted and extract the top 5 comments, giving us signal into what’s working, what questions people have, and where we can double-down.

  • Each week, I will also monitor your profiles for negative engagement, and either respond kindly and try to convert negative readers into positive readers, or I will hide the comments if they are disrespectful/abusive and keep your content clean from unproductive negativity.

  • At the end of each week & month, I will do a full audit of all the content we’ve published together, share the 3 highest-performing pieces of content in each content bucket and share my 3-5 takeaways—giving us insight into where we can improve and adjust our content strategy over time, maximizing reach & reader engagement.

  • Over the course of our 6-month engagement, I will also compile an Evergreen Library of your highest-performing content pieces, topics, and ideas, creating a library you (or your team hereafter) can leverage for years into the future, constantly doubling-down and resurfacing your best ideas.

  • To accelerate your growth on Twitter & LinkedIn, I will also put together a list of ~50 relevant creators & thought leaders (in your same or tangentially related industries) we can engage with & comment on each day, exposing your profile to their audiences (in the comment section) and attracting more relevant readers.

    I will then engage with these 50 creators for 1 hour each morning, Monday - Friday, creating mini-flywheels inside each of these 50 creators’ comment sections, all pointing back to your content & profile.

Project Timeline.

To establish you as a thought leader in your industry, and build a timeless library of social content (that you can leverage well into the future and will pay you dividends for years) while growing your audience and making more money, this will be a 6 month building process.

6 months from now, you’ll have a library of 240 short-form pieces and 48 long-form pieces—giving you a foundation of content that’ll pay you dividends in organic reach, customer acquisition, and networking opportunities for years.

The easy choice.


I know what it takes to be successful on LinkedIn and 𝕏, and it involves a ton of different skill sets:

  • hook writing

  • engagement

  • data gathering

  • growth hacking

  • social formatting

If you were to hire someone full-time to do this for you within your company, you'd need someone who possesses all these different skill sets. You’d be looking at paying them a full-time salary of anywhere from $70,000 per year to upwards of $150,000 per year.

(That’s anywhere from $6k to $12k per month.)


If you were to try to do all these things yourself, it would easily consume 3-5+ hours of your day. And you have better things to do! (Like run your company!)


Or, you can hire me!

I’ll take care of everything here for you. In the beginning, all I’ll need from you is feedback on the content to make sure we’re nailing your voice. Once we’re aligned, I can put things on autopilot for you.

Ready to streamline your social media?

Let’s connect and make it happen now!

Boost your brand with content that connects & converts.

  • EECs

    Educational Email Courses turn your social media followers and website visitors into email subscribers, who become your customers.

  • Newsletters

    My newsletter automation service turns your ideas into compelling content that drives engagement and conversion.

  • LinkedIn

    Discover how my ghostwriting service transforms your LinkedIn presence into a lead-generating powerhouse. 

  • Consulting

    Transform overwhelm into opportunity. I’ll help refine your content approach, streamline your efforts, and unlock growth potential.